Monday, May 2, 2011

My Haul Today!

Impressive? I think so! I only paid $26.24 for it all!


  1. how did you get so many coupons for TP? I was only able to print 2 before being told I had printed my limit of them :(

  2. Well, we have two computers in our household (three if you include that Cody's Mac can double boot to PC mode and that side has a separate IP address), plus our room mate's who doesn't coupon and so allows us to print on it if we want. That's generally a 2 per computer print limit. Also, sometimes coupons will let you press the back button to print a coupon more than twice. For the really good coupons, I would recommend seeing if you can use a room mate or friend's computer set up on your printer.

    Oh, and sometimes the print limits on coupons get reset mid month, so if you print high value coupons at one point, they may come back again another day. I generally try to take various website's advice on which coupons to print ahead of time. I don't always use them, but when I do need them, they are there!

    Even with only 2 coupons though, 24 rolls of Cottonelle for only $4 is still amazing!
